Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Genre Research

  It's me again!!!! So I've been conducting a genre database case study and wanted to share with you guys what I've researched. This is going to be a pretty lengthy post so brace yourself.
1. genre- cooking & food magazine
2. genre conventions (content)- food is the main image as it is appealing to audience. Colors of the food and colors of font and overall magazine compliment each other.
3. genre conventions (production)- bright and bold colors which match the style of the magazine, words and pictures on the front catch audience attention. The magazine usually have an issue date to indicate to the audience of how recent it is.
4. Institutional conventions- Famous chefs and cooks are usually on the front cover and are featured within the magazine itself. Buzzwords catch the viewers eyes to make the magazine more attractive. These types of magazines are found in groceries and food stores near or in the same lane as the cashiers.

Sample #1
Image result for food cooking magazine This magazine embodies my genre because as you can see the image of the food is the main picture. The bold and bright font catches the audiences eye. Along with this, the colors of the food match the style of the overall magazine. This causes the magazine to be very visually appealing to the target audience. Buzzwords are also found here such as "feel-good" which cause the magazine to be interesting and this helps with the marketing.

Sample #2
Image result for food cooking magazine This magazine embodies my genre as marketing is clearly seen here where three star chefs are featured on the very front cover. This draws in the audience's attention. Also, the colors of the food, like previously stated, compliments the colors and style of the magazine itself which aids in the appeal. The colors are bright and fascinating and helps with visual interest towards target audience. Lastly, buzzwords such as "amazing" makes this more attractive to the audience and helps with the overall marketing.

Other examples:
Image result for food cooking magazine    Image result for food cooking magazine  Image result for food cooking magazine  Image result for food cooking magazine  Image result for food cooking magazine  Image result for food cooking magazine

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