Thursday, December 6, 2018

A wrongfully painted picture of immigrants

     An image that is very misinterpreted in this day and age is immigrants. Or more specifically, immigrants in the United States. People assume they are evil, job stealers, or criminals and the representations of them were often marked by negative connotations and labels such as illegal immigrants etc.
     Immigrants are mostly portrayed as Mexicans or Latin Americans, and the topic was often linked to crime, and one example of this is the entire "Build a Wall" debate that President Trump constantly tweets about. Donald Trump’s proposal is building a wall to keep undocumented Mexican immigrants out and banning what he calls “bad people” from countries like the U.S. Americans have been influenced that immigrants, mostly Mexicans, are a "threat" and should be treated as such. They argue that they are taking their jobs and are criminals which simply isn't the case. Fox news, another media platform, has also taken a dislike on immigrants which is linked to their political views. They dehumanize and talk about them as if they are of less importance than any other person in America. On any story they cover that involves immigrants, they automatically refer to them as criminals and I think this is completely unfair.
     As being an immigrant myself, I know first hand what it's like wanting to move to a country where you have better education, more job opportunities, and simply a better life and for people of this country to judge someone who has done no harm and label them as criminals and a threat for just wanting a happier life is wrong. Although crossing a boarder illegally is not right, I wouldn't go as far as labeling every immigrant a criminal as some are in fact here legally and are documented. Rather than being a pessimist and calling them job stealers I would challenge that characteristic by being optimistic and calling them economy helpers as most immigrants do take lower paying jobs Americans don't want which leaves room for Americans to get the jobs they do want. As for painting a representation in everyone's head that they are all a threat to this country would definitely be a characteristic to be challenged also as most, if not all immigrants come to the US for a better life and should be welcomed with open arms because at the end of the day, they are humans too, no matter where they come from.

Genre research #2

What's up guys? It's been a while since my last posting but I'm back with another genre research. This time its not as mature as my last one. In fact its on the complete opposite end of the spectrum. Last time I did research on a genre that appealed to adults, this time I'm researching a genre that appeals to.... wait for it..... CHILDREN!!

1. Genre- Children Entertainment
2. Genre conventions (content)- Provide safe, fun, and educational content for their younger viewers. Playful and visually attractive and easy to understand/follow for a young audience.
3. Genre conventions (Production)- Represented with animated characters as well as inanimate objects or animals are brought to life. Name of movie is usually at the top or center of the preview and is complimented by the overall color scene of movie. Characters are also the first thing viewers see on the preview picture.

Sample #1

Image result for frozen
This film demonstrates these conventions because the movie involves animated characters, objects, animals who all interact like humans and this helped the story line be easy to understand for kids. Also this compliments the liking of younger audiences and makes this movie fun to watch. Also the color of the name compliments the over all color and vibe of the movie which makes this very visually appealing. Lastly, the characters are the first thing viewers see on so younger kids are more likely going to be more tempted to watch the movie.

Sample #2
Image result for coco
This film portrays these conventions by having the name of the movie on the top of the preview and the colors go along with the overall color scheme of the movie. Because of this makes it very visually pleasing to the eye and attractive for younger audiences. Also, the characters are animated and are in the center of the picture which draws in attention of the younger audience to want to watch the movie. Lastly, the story line of the movie is very fun and educational and also allows kids to follow along easily.

Other examples:

Image result for children movies   Image result for children movies   Image result for children movies   Image result for moana
Image result for cinderella   Image result for secret life of pets